Dr. 艾莉森·范德费尔登
读博士. 埃里森的生物
Dr. Allison van der Velden, DMD served as 首席执行官 since August 2020. She has worked at the Community Health Center of Franklin County as a dentist since 2015, 于2018年成为口腔健康主任. Dr. Van der Velden completed her Bachelor of Arts degree at Hampshire College, 她专攻微生物学. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Midwestern University, 2013年在亚利桑那州格伦代尔, and earned a Masters of Public Administration from Suffolk University in 2021.
她对社区卫生中心运动充满热情,拥有萨福克大学社区卫生和社区卫生中心管理证书,并在乔治华盛顿大学完成了盖格吉布森卫生政策奖学金项目. 她对改善社区生活的兴趣和承诺也是社区卫生中心以外的推动力. Dr. Van der Velden sits on the Board of Director’s for the 阿默斯特 Survival Center, a local non-profit dedicated to addressing hunger and the stigmatization food insecurity, 她在迪尔菲尔德镇的财务委员会任职.
Dr. Van der Velden is a dedicated healthcare administrator who uses her perspective as a healthcare provider, 她在领导和管理方面的教育, and her values of respect and excellence to lead the Community Health Center of Franklin County.
杰西卡·斯特罗姆 started at im电竞盘口 as the Director of Dental Operations in July 2015. Before that she spent 11 years at Hilltown Community Health Centers; 6 years as a Dental Hygienist and, 在那之前, 做了5年牙医助理. 她的大部分职业生涯都是在公共卫生领域度过的,并致力于联邦政府认可的社区卫生中心的使命. 除了她的临床工作, 她参与了“以患者为中心的医疗之家倡议”, 若干质量改进项目和委员会, 同时也是dentquest赞助的两个不同的学习合作项目的团队负责人,该项目旨在减少儿童早期龋齿的发病率,并建立牙科质量仪表板.
她还领导了一项创新, 由赠款资助的项目,在毗邻急诊科的当地医院内建立一个紧急牙科诊所, a successful initiative that has since been featured as a best practice in emergency room diversion efforts. 2017年8月,她以临床运营经理的名义接管了医疗运营的管理,并于2018年5月成为首席运营官,增加了设施管理. 她还担任合规官(2016年4月以来).
在此任职期间,她于2018年获得Mount Ida College的口腔卫生科学学士学位(商业管理重点), 并于5月3日通过萨福克大学和马萨诸塞州社区卫生中心联盟完成了健康中心管理证书课程, 2019.
Most recently she completed her Masters of Public Administration in 2021 from Suffolk University. 除了她在im电竞盘口的工作, she is a volunteer board member for a sexual assault and domestic violence agency, 曾在“大众健康”1115豁免的咨询委员会任职,该豁免提出了一个主要的人头支付改革结构, 并通过Betsy Lehman Center在Massachusetts Health Care Quality and Safety Consortium担任领导和治理工作组成员.
Mr. 在过去的8年里,Hamilton一直担任im电竞盘口信息技术和电子健康记录的首席信息官和总监, 在此之前的11年里,他通过汉密尔顿技术咨询公司担任技术顾问.
他是一名信息技术专家,在私营和非营利部门拥有超过21年的专业经验, 包括教育在内的跨行业, 公共服务, 零售, 和医疗. 随后在科尔盖特大学学习计算机科学, 1997年,Wes开始了他在信息技术领域的职业生涯,担任服务技术员,拥有独立于平台的技术专长, 迅速发展到商业技术集成服务、系统和网络咨询,为整个大先锋谷的各种客户提供服务. 以这次经历为基础, 韦斯过渡到一个令人兴奋的机会与马萨诸塞州西部地区图书馆系统(WMRLS)作为技术专家, 随后晋升为技术协调员. 担任这个角色长达13年, Wes提供咨询, 培训, 以及技术规划服务, 以及系统和网络方面的直接援助, 公共计算, 和资讯保安,以协助整个马西麻州的图书馆. He developed code and database systems in production for regional and statewide services, 并推动赠款和项目,为数十个较小的社区带来改进的技术设备和高速互联网. 表彰这些努力, Wes was dispatched to an American Libraries Association taskforce in Denver, CO to help shape the future of broadband and equal access connectivity for citizens in libraries nationwide.
以提供咨询的平行身份, 实现, and maintenance services for a variety of primarily non-profit 和医疗 clients, Wes engaged with im电竞盘口 beginning in 2001 for the establishment of a new technology environment, followed by activity in 2006 to plan and manage the infrastructure related to a multi-site FQHC expansion. 随着电子健康记录的出现, Wes于2010年全职加入im电竞盘口团队, and has since provided tireless technical guidance and leadership to enable the successful selection, 采用, 实现, 电子医疗和牙科记录的优化. 建立在电子健康记录平台上, 作为临床转化团队努力的一部分,Wes贡献了额外的技术改进和报告机制, culminating in the recognition of im电竞盘口 as a Patient Centered Medical Home in December 2013.
在他作为CIO的角色中, Wes保持积极的技术和跨学科的兴趣,以实现商业智能领域的组织转型和员工发展, 临床决策支持, 临床质量指标, 数据可视化, 互操作性, 开源系统, 人口健康, 以及信息安全. He continues to be an important part of im电竞盘口’s success going forward, 重点关注医疗保健转型和质量.
Maria Heidenreich, FNP
Ms. Heidenreich has been employed with the Community Health Center of Franklin County since 2013. 她有六年的家庭护理从业经验, 还有流行病学的背景, 计算机科学, 以及医院和社区卫生护理. 2016年1月,她扩大了在im电竞盘口的职责,包括首席医疗官的行政和领导职责.
Ms. Heidenreich graduated with a Master of Science in Nursing Degree from the University of North Carolina, 教堂山分校. She completed her Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing at the University of Massachusetts, 阿默斯特, as well as a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Computer Science from Smith College in Northampton, MA.
Ms. Heidenreich is responsible for overseeing the medical staff, both the physicians and nurse teams. 她负责监督护理质量、同行评议和绩效管理. 玛丽亚与首席执行官密切合作,根据董事会的战略计划保留和招聘临床医生.
夫人. Hoynoski自2017年4月起担任im电竞盘口的首席财务官. 她在非营利性和银行业的公共和私营部门拥有超过15年的经验. Arley graduated with a Master’s Degree in Accounting from the University of Massachusetts at 阿默斯特. Like most accounting majors Arley pursued a career in public accounting after graduation. 在她从事公共会计工作期间,她的客户包括非营利组织和房地产保险,遵循公认会计准则和其他适用的会计准则. 她对非营利客户的工作使她对非营利会计和报告有了全面的了解.
在她从事公共会计工作之后, 阿利曾在当地几家上市金融机构工作. She also managed various operational and compliance audits throughout the Bank. Arley在银行职业生涯中主要从事财务报告和投资者关系,担任副总裁兼财务报告经理. Arley managed all aspects of the Bank’s public and regulatory reporting. 除了, 她负责管理各银行在马萨诸塞州和康涅狄格州的非营利基金会的所有财务职责和预算, 分别.
In 2017, 在银行业干了八年之后, Arley decided to accept the opportunity at im电竞盘口 because non-profits has always been her passion. Besides the monthly accounting and reporting to the 董事会 and Senior Management Team, Arley prepares the annual budget in collaboration with the CEO and in accordance with the board’s strategic plan. Arley manages all of the regulatory and tax filings that are required for FQHC’s. 除了, Arley is Treasurer of the 董事会 for a local non-profit, Guidewire, Inc. Guidewire为严重精神残疾人士提供服务. 自2011年以来,她一直是董事会成员.
Ms. Petrie began her career at im电竞盘口 as an intern in the Accounting Department in January 2016. 在她晋升为人力资源经理之前, Maegan worked for three years in the Finance Department as a Staff Accountant.
在im电竞盘口工作期间,Maegan协调了一项关于健康饮食的研究,并在同行评审期刊上发表了两篇文章, drafted several new process manuals for Accounting and other departments, and has also organized annual patient events and employee recognition for National Health Center Week. She has volunteered her personal time to several im电竞盘口 programs and initiatives, including the im电竞盘口 day of service at Stone Soup Café and the United Way Days of Action in 2016 and 2017.
With little experience at Federally Qualified Health Centers prior to her 2016 internship with im电竞盘口, Maegan quickly recognized her opportunity to participate in the exact type of comprehensive, integrated healthcare that she aspired to be part of since she was young. 正是通过在im电竞盘口寻求领导和委员会的机会,Maegan能够培养她在医疗保健行政和管理方面的技能.
她在马萨诸塞大学伊森伯格管理学院获得会计学学士学位, 阿默斯特. 她将有资格在2021年9月参加人力资源管理协会(SHRM)的考试和认证.
Attorney Leon Wilkerson has over 15 years of human resources experience. Attorney Wilkerson is also a Partner at a multi-state law firm where he specializes in employment law, 公司法, 还有劳动法. 他的人力资源专长是变革管理, 领导力发展, 组织性能, 以及系统实施. He holds a master's degree in human resources and received his juris doctorate from FAMU College of Law. 威尔克森律师曾是能源行业的人力资源专家, 制造业, 医疗保健行业. Attorney Wilkerson is licensed in Colorado, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and the U.S. 科罗拉多州地方法院. 他将在奥兰治办公室工作.